Prophet VS v1.4 bug

I've been informed of a bug in my modified VS OS that causes wave 126 to not be silent anymore. Looking at it now I understand the problem, and it was a dumb mistake on my part.

Not knowing quite where things were in the ROM and space being an issue, I put all my code at the very end of the ROM. That just happens to be where Wave 126 (silence) is.

I have since (unrelated to the bug) made the code relocatable and started optimizing. The original assembler Sequential Circuits used seemed to not optimize forward branches, so all were word length when sometimes byte length would have worked. This freed up tons of space in the main part of the code so this bug has already been unintentionally fixed for the next iteration.

Anybody who has already purchased v1.4 can get a free new copy of the corrected version.

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