Here is the list of all the address locations I've figured out in the Prophet VS. This may change as I discover more. The ones in (bold parentheses) are code locations modified or changed in my own versions of the code, [bold italic brackets] are ones I don't know or aren't sure about yet. Ones with a * are the main called locations in the code.
This is based on v1.2 and up. Some locations, especially the working memory, are different in 1.0/1.1. Some locations are different in the diagnostics section as well. All are word length.
FF8000 - FFA007 = 4k NV RAM (Patch Parameters - bitpacked, every 82 bytes)
FFA008 - FFB807 = 4k NV RAM (User Wave Mem)
B808 = Patch Checksum
B809 = Patch Checksum
B80A = Pitch Wheel Range
B80B = Pitch Wheel Range
B80C = Pitch Wheel Offset
B80D = Pitch Wheel Offset
B80E = Master Tune
*B80F = Master Tune
B810 = Clocks/Step
*B811 = Clocks/Step
B812 = Transmit Channel - Right
*B813 = Transmit Channel - Right
B814 = Transmit Channel - Left
*B815 = Transmit Channel - Left
B816 = MIDI Wheels
*B817 = MIDI Wheels
B818 = MIDI Programs
*B819 = MIDI Programs
B81A = MIDI Pressure
*B81B = MIDI Pressure
B81C = MIDI Joystick
*B81D = MIDI Joystick
B81E = MIDI Receive Mode
*B81F = MIDI Receive Mode
B820 = ARP Midi Channel
*B821 = ARP Midi Channel
B822 = Receive Channel - Right
*B823 = Receive Channel - Right
B824 = Receive Channel - Left
*B825 = Receive Channel - Left
[B826 = ?] [B827 = ?]
B828-BA1F = [Something with ARP]
BA26-BC1D = [Something with ARP]
BC26-BC99 = [Something with Edit Waveform]
BC9A-BD0A = [Something with Edit Waveform]
BD0E-BD81 = Review
BD82 = Reload Previous Patch
*(FFBD84) = New (MIDI Parameter) location to save selection on reset
*(FFBD86) = New LFO Sync Function
*(FFBD88) = New ARP Sync Function
*FFC000 = 4k Program Memory (Working Patch & Stack)
See VS manual documentation for working memory locations up to FFC065
Switch Bits:
C066 = LFO1 Destination
C068 = LFO2 Destination
C06A = Pressure Destination
C06C = Velocity Destination
C06E = Keyboard Destination
C070 = Filter Env Destination
C072 = Mod Wheel Destination
[*FFC9EC = Double mode delay trigger?]
[*FFC9ED = Double mode delay trigger?]
*FFC9EE = Double mode delay timer A
*FFC9EF = Double mode delay timer B
*FFC9F0 = Local Keyboard Enabled/Disabled
*FFC9F2 = Transpose
[C9F4 = Some sort of user wave mem location]
*FFC9F8 = 7-Seg Buffer
*FFC9FA = LED Buffer
CCC1 = DataEntry MSB/LSB
CCC2 =
CCC3 = (OLD MIDI Parameter Enable)
CCC5 = MIDI Overflow
CCC6 = [Progs use waveforms ??]
*FFCE10 = Cart Write Enable/Disable
FFD000 = Top of Stack
*FFE001 = UART CS1 - control/status
*FFE003 = UART CS1 - Trans/recv data
*FFE101 = LCD Control
*FFE201 = KYBD - Key Data
*FFE302 = SWIN Switch Matrix
*FFE400 = "LED1"
*FFE500 = Switch LEDs - bits
[0] = Split
[1] = Double
[2] = Store
[3] = Chorus RT
[4] = Chorus LF
[5] = Cart
[6] = ARP Latch/Transpose
[7] = ARP Rate/ON
[8] = Review
[9] = Edit Waveform
*FFE600 = ADC WR
- 600 = PitchWheel_WR0
- 602 = ModWheel_WR0
- 604 = Stick_X_WR0
- 6F6 = Stick_Y_WR0
- 6F8 = DataEntry_WR0
- 6FA = Volume_WR0
- 6FC = Balance_WR0
- 6FE = Pressure_WR0
*FFE700 = DAC Latch
- 700 - 70E = LEV_A1 to LEV_A8
- 710 - 71E = LEV_B1 to LEV_B8
- 720 - 72E = LEV_C1 to LEV_C8
- 730 - 73E = LEV_D1 to LEV_D8
- 740 - 74E = VCA_1 to VCA_8
- 750 - 75E = VCF_1 to VCF_8
- 760 - 76E = PAN_1 to PAN_8
- 770 = RES_L
- 772 = RES_R
- 774 = ChorusCV_L
- 776 = ChorusCV_R
- 778 = FinalCV_L
- 77A = FinalCV_R
*FFE801 = Waveram A
*FFE901 = Waveram B
*FFEA01 = Waveram C
*FFEB01 = Waveram D
*FFEC00 = RTI Flip-Flop - Interrupt CLR
*FFED00 = Chip Reset
*FFEF01 = ADC Read
-14000 = Cartridge
*16000 = Chip A
*16004 = Chip B
*16008 = Chip C
*1600C = Chip D
*16010 = Chip D [This is the address in the diagnostics. I'm sure this is a bug.]